Are you producing insight rocks or data pebbles?

Most firms I talk to have become very good at collecting data pebbles. Stand-alone surveys, transcripts from individual client conversations, email feedback, online reviews… Making sense of data pebbles is hard. Firms don’t want more data pebbles, they want more actionable insight. Insight rocks turn the thousands of small data points into the essential themes a firm needs to know.

Are you collecting data pebbles or insight rocks?

These days we’re overloaded with information. The flood of data is overwhelming and makes it harder, not easier, to make decisions.
Most firms I talk to have become very good at collecting data pebbles. Stand-alone surveys, transcripts from individual client conversations, email feedback, online reviews…
There’s something special about each pebble that can be distracting when you look closely. But seen together, they just blur into a sea of sameness.

Manually making sense of data pebbles is hard.

Despite all the survey tools, research agencies and social media listening available to firms, too many client-related decisions still get made on the assumption – the views from some clients or last year’s research are still relevant to all clients today.

Firms don’t need more data pebbles, they need some insight rocks.

Insight rocks turn thousands of small data points into the essential themes a firm needs to know.
By identifying common themes amongst a sea of data, they cut through the noise to answer ‘so what?’.
Like cairns on a mountain, they stand out and show the way to the top.
So the next time your firm decides to “do a survey”, pause and first decide how you will use it to create new insight rocks.
To learn more about how MyCustomerLens uses industry-specific algorithms to produce insight rocks, click here

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