Client Listening Teams

Struggling to keep up with client feedback?

Traditional client listening is hard work

Client listening teams tell us that traditional approaches to client listening generate a lot of mundane and time consuming tasks, including manual data analysis and reporting. This leaves less time for them to discover the ‘so what’ and drive action across the business.

And the problem is getting worse. To keep their finger on the pulse, decision-makers are demanding richer and more regular insights.

But how do you keep up with a flood of surveys, feedback forms, client interviews, reviews, directories, complaints, as well as informal verbal and email comments, without hiring more people?

How MyCustomerLens helps you

MyCustomerLens is an easy to understand, always-on client listening platform that automatically does the boring tasks for you.

This enables you to scale up your client listening programme while also having extra time to focus on more valuable tasks – such as using the insights to find ways to improve their client experiences and business relationships.

Our platform helps you to:
  • Collect feedback from all stages of the client journey
  • Maintain a single source of truth about client needs and experiences
  • Instantly see the emerging trends within unstructured text data
  • Generate real-time reports for different sectors, practice areas and client teams

Common challenges

  • Create a stand-out brand
  • Improve decision-making agility

MyCustomerLens has been incredibly helpful with the implementation of our client feedback strategy. Paul has also provided thoughtful consultation services and we look forward to continuing to work with Paul and team!

Laurence Cheney
Head of Global Marketing Operations at Murgitroyd

Time for a chat, or prefer to keep informed?

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