Close brand perception gaps

Actionable insights for a stand-out brand

Do you have a stand-out brand?

Customer experience is now the number 1 way that many businesses differentiate their brand and offer.
Whether you call them clients, customers, members or stakeholders, your brand is what they see and feel, not what you tell them. In other words, you need to see your firm 'outside-in', from their perspective. Their perception is your reality and differentiation hinges on being able to see their point of view.
Your firm is making brand promises every day. In proposals, marketing materials, client meetings, testimonials etc. These promises and those made by your competitors are evolving your client’s expectations.
Stand-out brands minimise the gap between brand promises and client reality. But how do you know where the gaps are?

The Pain of Perception Gaps

What is the brand perception gap? It’s when your client’s experiences with your firm don’t match what the firm promises it will deliver. These gaps occur when insights about the client experience don’t flow freely around the firm.
The causes include:
  • different teams using different questions
  • only measuring experience at the end of a project
  • questions only being asked of ‘happy’ clients
  • teams retaining old assumptions about what clients expect
  • decision-makers have an 'inside-out' view of client needs
When your client's reality matches your brand's promises, your clients are more likely to give you testimonials, referrals and incremental business. So how do you discover and close the perception gaps?

Quantify your brand positioning

MyCustomerLens uses dedicated questions, AI and benchmarking to quantify how clients experience your brand. Having analysed tens of thousands of feedback comments from professional services clients, we developed our value drivers model so that you can quickly see any misalignments between promises and reality.

Link ratings to each brand promise

Go beyond NPS and satisfaction ratings, to create actionable insights. By consistently using brand-related ratings, you can instantly benchmark performance across clients, practice areas and your competitors. This broader context finally ends the debate on whether 4 out of 5 is a top quartile or bottom quartile rating!

Discover why ratings change

Our natural language processing combs all your feedback data to discover comments linked to each brand promise. For example, if clients praise your employees for “going the extra mile” or being “a safe pair of hands”, we know your firm is delivering on its promises to be responsive or trustworthy.

Uncover brand perception gaps

With MyCustomerLens your analysis moves beyond spotting positive and negative comments. The absence of comments on a particular promise is equally revealing. The silence shows where the client experience is not as differentiated as you thought.

Always-on client listening

MyCustomerLens delivers continuous feedback intelligence by aggregating all your client-related feedback and summarising it in real-time.
This frees up your valuable time and resources to make faster and more informed decisions.


Collect & centralise both formal & informal feedback from across the business.


AI-driven analysis instantly makes sense of unstructured text data.


Combined insights are shared and benchmarked across the firm.


With the business world changing at such a rapid pace, traditional approaches to client listening are making it harder to stay in the know. To stay relevant and competitive, forward-looking firms are seeking solutions to four connected challenges.
Click the links below to discover how MyCustomerLens can help you solve each challenge and future-proof your firm:

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