Customer Insider: 24 Mar – virtual customer experience

Well it’s been quite a couple of weeks. Covid-19 is reshaping how we all work, gather and exercise. It’s a moving picture too, as new measures and support are added each day. But while physical doors are closing, virtual ones are being flung open.

Virtual customer experience

The last week has demonstrated the incredible creativity and passion that brands and employees have for their customers. In finding new and creative ways to maintain positive customer experiences, we’re seeing further evidence that staff engagement and customer engagement are two sides of the same coin. It’s also demonstrated to us that the future of feedback is a single system that monitors both staff and customer experiences in real-time.
I hope you stay safe and keep healthy while staying at home.
Building Business Resistance – Remote Working (Samantha Gadd, Humankind)
In this short video, Sam outlines the 5 areas to think about when switching to a remote workforce. Three tips that stood out to me were:
  • be deliberate about communication;
  • use technology to replicate all the conversations that happen in an office;
  • lead with humanity.
3 customer service strategies for a tough economy (Shep Hyken)
Of Shep’s 3 simple approaches, my favourite is to always treat your employees how you want your customers treated—maybe even better.
As Shep discusses in his book, employees and customers live in parallel worlds. What is happening on the inside of the company is felt by the customers on the outside. With all your employees now working at home, your virtual customer experience will be driven by how well they adapt to remote working.
Is your feedback loop keeping up with decisions? (MyCustomerLens)
In these unprecedented times, decision-making is moving quickly. Organisations like yours are having to make new strategic and operational decisions quickly.
But traditional surveys and research don’t reflect changing needs and expectations of either your customers or employees. It’s likely, they’re also not set-up to monitor the impact on your virtual customer experience. To keep up you need one system that can monitor customer and employee engagement in real-time.

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