Customer and employee experience – what next?

How are the decisions you’re making today, impacting on customer and employee experience?
Every business is facing tough decisions right now. Decisions that will impact their value proposition for years to come. Changes to priorities, product lines and even target customers are impacting on customer and employee experience.
Businesses are having to react quickly, and cost reduction will be a big driver. However it’s more important than ever to also view these decisions through your customer’s lens.

Can you add new value to customers?

For example, is a necessary move to digital communications also an opportunity to add new value to customers? Many gyms are rapidly launching new home workout channels to keep members engaged while they can’t visit in person. Creating home exercise content is also helping their employees to stay connected to their members.

Customer experience and employee experience are two sides of the same coin

When the current stay at home restrictions have passed, customers will remember the businesses that remembered them. Clare Muscutt, founder of CXMperience spoke at the recent ‘Unlock your CX Potential’ digital conference. Her main point was that the companies that thrive in each downturn are the ones that lean into customer and employee experience. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

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